Why Should You Maintain Your Septic System?

Saves You Money!

Regular maintenance fees of a few hundred dollars every three to four years is a bargain compared to the cost of repairing or replacing a malfunctioning system, which can cost thousands of dollars. Not only is maintenance a cost saving measure, it is also cheaper than paying monthly fees for municipal sewer or the extremely high cost of paying to connect to municipal sewer. The frequency of pumping required for your system depends on how many people live in your home and the size of the system.

Protects Your Property Value

An unusable septic system or one in disrepair will lower your property value, not to mention pose a potentially costly legal liability.

Keeps You and Your Neighbors Healthy

Household wastewater is loaded with disease-causing bacteria and viruses, as well as high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. If a septic system is well-maintained and working properly, it will remove most of these pollutants. Insufficiently treated sewage from septic systems can cause groundwater contamination, which can spread disease in humans and animals. Improperly treated sewage also poses the risk of contaminating nearby surface waters, significantly increasing the chance of swimmers contracting a variety of infectious diseases, from eye and ear infections to acute gastrointestinal illness and hepatitis.

Protects the Environment

More than four billion gallons of wastewater is dispersed below the ground’s
surface every day. That’s a lot of water! Groundwater contaminated by poorly or
untreated household wastewater doesn’t just pose dangers to drinking water—it poses dangers to the environment. Malfunctioning septic systems release bacteria, viruses, and chemicals toxic to local waterways. When these pollutants are released into the ground, they eventually enter streams, rivers, lakes, and more, harming local ecosystems by killing native plants, fish, and shellfish.

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